Flash Help From this page, you can access content related to Adobe Flash Professional. You can find tutorials that will help you learn and use Adobe Flash Professional, create and animate Flash assets, publish Flash assets to HTML5, etc.
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flash.utils - Details Adobe ActionScript® 3 (AS3) API Reference Produces an XML object that describes the ActionScript object named as the parameter of the method. This method implements the programming concept of reflection for the ActionScript language. If the value parameter is an instance of a type, the returned X
flash.utils - 詳細資料Adobe ActionScript® 3 (AS3 ) API 參考 適用於Adobe® Flash® Platform 的ActionScript® 3.0 參考 首頁 | 顯示套件和類別 ... 不含Flash Player. Flash Lite. Flash Lite 4 ..... getTimer():int. 用於計算相對時間。
Using SetInterval() in Flash ActionScript This tutorial will teach you the basics on how to use the setInterval() method in Flash to execute code repeatedly at given time intervals ... You can now test your movie, click on the box and see the animation rolling and then stopping when the box reach
Flash CS4 Professional ActionScript 2.0 - Learn & Support setInterval(functionReference:Function, interval:Number, [param1:Object, param2, ..., paramN]) : Number setInterval(objectReference:Object, methodName:String, interval:Number, [param1:Object, param2, ..., paramN]) : Number Calls a function or a method of
setInterval and clearInterval: ActionScript Create timer event with setInterval and clearInterval. ... Selteco.com > FlashDesignerZONE.com > Tutorials > T1051 Create a timer with setInterval and clearInterval. setInterval(function,timeout);
Using the setInterval() method - Republic of Code | Learn + Design + Code That should do it. You can test the movie now again to see your button moving and then be able to click on the button to stop the movement! This is a very simple example of course that does not showcase the full power of the setInterval() method. If you n
JS setInterval() 與 clearInterval() 方法的使用 - feng_cs的專欄 - 博客頻道 - CSDN.NET 一、HTML DOM setInterval()、clearInterval() 方法 setInterval() 方法可按照指定的週期(以毫秒計)來調用函數或計算表達式。 clearInterval() 方法可以取消該週期性的方法調用。 詳細可參見:http://www.w3school.com.cn/htmldom/met_win_setint
Flash Tutorials - Selteco Alligator Flash Designer Create Flash content in 5 minutes with the World's Easiest Flash Tool. Flash Designer enables you to create Flash animations for your Web site using more than 130 predefined animation effects like fade, zoom, rotate.